Monday, 30 December 2013

Let's Get This Party Started

Hey y'all!

I am currently on my way to Scotland for Hogmanay as I write this. It is billed as the biggest new years street party in Europe and I intend to see whether or not the title is a well earned one.

I will be gone for four days and plan on taking as many photos as humanly possibe. After returning from Scotland, I am heading to southwest UK. Busy week filled with travelling. I will have some posts up once I return to London.

How are you planning to ring in the new year? Any way that you choose to celebrate, I hope you all have an amazing New Years!

Until next time,

Lissa xx

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Hey Y'all!

As the title suggests, it is freakin' cold outside which means I have altered my hair routine to compensate for the loss of moisture that is inevitable. I change my regimens depending on the season because for me, that is what has worked. The basics still apply of course but the frequency and products used in my hair change since my hair has different needs.

Things tend to get really manic around the holidays as I am sure most people can relate to which means I have to literally block out time to do my hair. If I do not schedule it in, I know I will get caught up doing a million other things and completely neglect my hair. Let me tell you, I have neglected her before and she retaliated with a vengeance. You live and you learn though and now I am much more vigilant about taking care of her. Yes, my hair is a she and has gained the nickname Pepper from a friend.

Back to Pep's cleansing and care routine. As I mentioned before, it is basic - cleanse, deep condition, LOC method, style and re-moisturize when needed. I have added colour as well to part of my hair which means I definitely have to be on my hair care like no tomorrow. The products I use now are Herbal Essences Bee Strong shampoo (diluted with water); homemade deep conditioner; Coconut Oil and Shea Butter or my Uncle Funky's Daughter Extra Butter cream. If you want to know what I put into my hair mixes, leave a comment below.

I do alternate my homemade deep conditioners because I want to ensure my hair is getting enough moisture as well as protein. I had tried mixing my protein deep conditioner with my moisturizing conditioner but Pep did not take well to that at all. She likes it best if I use one or the other. As I only wash my hair twice a month in the winter, I will use a protein deep conditioner every three washes - so about every month and a half.

Welp, enough of me jabbering on with this post, here are some photos of my wash day. I am also including a photo of my protective style of choice for the next two weeks - simple single braids with twists at the end. I find that I do not like to braid straight to the bottom because it takes ages to undo when I am ready to wash Pep and I am not as patient as I should be when handling her.

Freshly Washed and t-shirt dried. Gotta love shrinkage!

Deep conditioning time

Finished product!
There you have it! Until next time, I bid you adieu.

- Lissa xx

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Life, Makeup & Jobs - Oh My!

Hey Y'all!

Firstly, please allow me to apologize profusely for my four month hiatus. I have been busy once again with moving, doing makeup and teaching. Your girl is constantly on the go and the thought of coming home to write and publish a post was hugely daunting to me. So, clearly, I chose not to post and to take a break. However, my self-imposed (and well needed!) break has come to an end and I am back and ready to go!

I have been working in schools teaching while here in the UK which would keep anybody busy. I work mainly with special needs children which is highly rewarding but very tiring. 

I have also been honing my makeup skills by getting in practice whenever I possibly can on other people. I have so far done makeup for a friend who was getting married as well as other friends who had call for my makeup abilities. I did not get any photos of the bridal makeup I did because we were running late after hair so I did not have time. I will start documenting my progression more thoroughly moving forward and posting the photos on the blog. 

I am currently working on a review post for you all and will post it as soon as I have it ready. Until then, I will continue to post as much as possible and will post about my upcoming trip to Scotland as well. 

Until then, Toodle-loo!

- Lissa x

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Where Have I Been....??

Hey Y'all!

How has everybody been doing?? I hope everybody has been doing well lately. 

Oooowweeee! It has been absolute ages since I've updated the blog and for that, I sincerely apologize. Things have been completely manic for me the past couple months with school, job hunting, being homesick and illnesses. 

I have been doing readings and assignments for school after work which have left no time to write decent reviews or posts. The last thing I want is to give you all a slap dash job of something I threw together in five minutes because that is all I could spare. I prefer to be able to sit and write out a decent post for you all. With school assignments and trying to finish up everything in time, it has been tough - to say the least. I am happy to say that I am almost finished so it has all been worth it.

On the job front, my current job is coming to an end and I have been putting my feet to the pavement and applying like a mad woman for employment within my field. It is quite difficult being in a country other than your home country and looking for work. The rules are different and if you do not learn them prior to job hunting, it can seriously impair your chances of gaining employment. I've been jumping through hoops and putting myself out there and applying to every job I have come across that is within my field of study. Rejections were to be expected but they still bruised my ego a bit. Finally, landed a few agencies so I am hoping to obtain a good position through one of those that will become permanent. *fingers crossed*

Other than job hunting, I have been extremely homesick. I have not set foot on Canadian soil since I moved to the UK and it is taking its toll now. I miss my family and my best friends. It's been quite difficult to make new friends while here because the people I have been encountering have not been all that warm and/or sociable. It's different from back home. It may also have to do with my current job and not going out enough on my part. So, here's hoping that things will change after I get back. 

I have also been sick off and on. I swear this country is kicking my ass and throwing every illness known to man my way. I have been in and out of the GP's office more times than I care to admit and have had my fair share of medication. Right now, I am better and I better stay this way. I do not think I can handle another illness before I head home. I would really like to enjoy my holiday at home.

Well, there you have it. I have been around just super busy. I have been neglectful of my poor blog which is a huge no-no. I do however, have products I would like to review that I have been accumulating. So I will have topics for you all. I will also have more hair posts to share as well as lifestyle changes.

Until then, I shall bid you all adieu.

- Lissa xx

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Hey Y'all!

I am extremely sorry about the silence for the past few weeks. I have been going crazy with school work and also getting my life sorted at the moment. I am searching for a new job while decided whether or not I want to remain in the UK for another year or head back home to Canada. Oh, and all of that is going on WHILE I am still working full-time as well. 

Juggling multiple things like that has not left me with much time to update. Let me tell you, it is tough and I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off! I do miss you all though and have some posts lined up dealing with hair, makeup and lifestyle changes (I have started a new work out routine to get into shape). 

I will do my very best to get a post up this weekend sometime. Thank you all for being so patient with me.

- Lissa xx

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Illamasqua Sealing Gel [[Review]]

Hey Y'all!

Before getting to the review, I wanted to apologize for dropping the ball lately. A lot has been going on in my life at the moment and has me all over the place. I want to thank you for being so patient with me and let you know that I am working on getting out posts regularly once again.

Now, onto the review.....

Illamasqua. You all know that I am in love with their products and this one definitely does not disappoint. The sealing gel costs £12.50 and two little bottles come in each box. 

This sealing gel is absolutely amazing, people. It does what it claims to do, which is to dry quickly and keep your makeup in place for hours. I used it one night to set my liner and brows when I went out dancing. Let me tell you, I danced a ton and sweat quite a bit. I was also patting at my face to dry it throughout the night so I was worried about what I would find when I went to the bathroom to check half-way through the night. To my surprise, everything was still in place! 

When I returned home and made my way to the bathroom to wash my face, I was amazed to still see that my liner and brows had not moved or faded at all. Illamasqua has won me over once again with their sealing gel. A little goes a long way with this product and it is definitely a must have for anybody who wants long lasting makeup. I keep one at home and one in my travel kit with me. 

Definitely give this sealing gel a go. You can thank me Illamasqua later. :-)

- Miss Lissa xx

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Weekend Quickie

Hey Y'all!

Just a quickie to share with you all a photo collage of my hair earlier today. I do love it when it's picked out and big!

How are you rocking your hair this weekend??

- Miss Lissa xx

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Hair Quest: Flexi-rod Set

Hey Y'all!

I had received my flexi-rods that I ordered on Friday. I've been checking out videos on good ole YouTube lately on flexi-rod sets and fell in absolute lust with the look. I vowed to try it soon for myself and found a good deal on flexi-rods on Amazon. If that wasn't a sign, then I don't know what is!

I did the set on stretched hair. I had been rocking a puff then a high bun for the week. I knew that today was wash day so I decided I'd try it out for yesterday. I had an event to attend and figured if I didn't like the way it looked (or it didn't turn out well), I could easily bun it again as a quick go-to style.

I first dampened my hair with water and then added coconut oil to seal while lightly detangling. I paid special attention to the ends to ensure they would lay flat when I curled them. After detangling with the coconut oil, I put a quarter size amount of Eco Styler Gel with Argan Oil in each section and smoothed it through with a rat tail comb before curling it up. 

I forgot how much I've missed my curls when I saw how they popped when I added the gel. I was half tempted to just leave it in a big curly afro! I didn't though and continued curling my whole head with the flexi-rods. I used 26 flexi-rods in total as I did the curls a bit bigger since I knew I'd be separating the curls.

I slept with them in overnight. Actually, I don't know that what I did could be called sleeping at all. I completely forgot how absolutely uncomfortable it is to sleep with things in your hair.  I was woken up about every hour because my head was in a position that made the rods uncomfortable! At that point, I was less than thrilled to put it nicely and if  "no pain, no gain" was to be believed, I had better well look like Halle Berry in the morning! 

Sadly, they didn't all dry completely overnight so I had to sit under my portable hair dryer for 10 minutes on low to ensure the curls wouldn't completely drop by the end of the day. Once I did that, I took out the flexi-rods gently and I couldn't stop staring at the curls. They were gorgeous!

I then coated my hands with EVOO and carefully separated each curl. The result....

Ta-da! I LOVED the way my hair looked. The curls stayed in all day even through the wind and rain we had here in Londontown. 

Needless to say, I will definitely be rocking this style again but may cheat and dry them BEFORE I go to bed as I really do like my sleep. LoL.

- Miss Lissa xx

My Apologies

Hey Y'all!

Just wanted to say a quick apology for the lack of posting lately. Been hella busy with school as well as wasn't feeling too great. Now I'm back though and I shall be posting as per usual. I am currently waiting for photos to upload to add to a post dealing with hair and then I will be posting. I will also be posting more make up reviews soon as well.

Thank you all for being so patient with me. 

- Miss Lissa xx

Monday, 29 April 2013

Mini Post: Hair Share

Hey Y'all!

I just wanted to quickly share a couple photos with you of my afro in all it's glory before I then put it into a puff style for an outing. 

I had moisturised & sealed my hair the night before and put it into 4 cornrows for bed. Woke up, took it out and finger combed until it was to the fullness that I like. 

- Miss Lissa xx

LUSH R&B Hair Moisturiser Review

Hey Y'all!

. I had ventured down to Covent Garden on a dreary Saturday and when it started raining, I ran into the little shops area to seek shelter. One look to my left and what did I see, but LUSH. I walked in and had a little look - not planning on purchasing anything. I stumbled upon this moisturiser though and it looked interesting enough.

Completely forgot to take a photo of the product BEFORE I started using it- oops!

After further reading of the ingredient list, I decided to try a little on the ends of one of my twists I was wearing that day. The moisturiser has a creamy consistency that I liked and once on my hair, it didn't feel sticky or as though it would weight my hair down in any way. So, with that in mind, I decided to give this a try and see what it would be like long-term. 

I must say, I have not been disappointed. My hair seems to love this moisturiser so far. I use it when I'm re-twisting before bed about 3 times a week. I spritz with my water/leave-in mix, seal with an oil and layer this over everything. Now, one thing I will say is that the scent of lemongrass is quite overpowering at first. As somebody who is not that fond of the scent, that nearly put me off of buying the product BUT the scent does lessen by the next day and isn't as strong as when you first put it on your hair. 

This product did do what it said for my hair which was provide moisture. I tend to wear my hair out a lot right now as I love seeing my hair out in all its glory. I would say that for anybody suffering with dry hair and  looking for a new moisturiser, definitely check this one out to see whether or not it could work for you. A little warning though, the price tag is quite high (£10.95!) for the size of the product but it does deliver on what is says it will. 

- Miss Lissa xx

Friday, 26 April 2013

Hair Quest: 3-Strand Twists [[2nd Attempt]]

Hey Y'all!

I decided to attempt a three strand twist out on my hair again at the beginning of this week. I was determined to make the twists smaller and to see if I enjoyed it then. 

I had worn my hair in a regular twist out during the weekend as seen in my weekend fun time post and when it came time to re-twist on Sunday night, I figured I'd give it a shot then. I succeeded in making the twists smaller this time and I also did not braid the roots this time around. I think braiding the roots is what caused me to not be too partial to my first attempt. 

I dampened my hair with my water bottle that has water & leave-in mixed. I then followed up by sealing with EVOO and layering my moisturizer over all of it. I moisturized with R&B Hair Moisturizer that I bought from LUSH to try out. I've been using it for the past month so will be able to write a review about it soon. 

Products used.

Here is a photo of me during the twisting process.

Hello shrinkage!

Last but not least, the RESULTS!

I really do like the look I got this time. I think smaller twists are key when it comes to my preference. I am still wearing the twist out today. It's up in one but still have a ton of definition for my puff. I must say, I did judge the style too quickly before and I'm glad I attempted to do it again. 

If any of you have tried three strand twists, I'd love to see photos to be able to do a mini-post on different hair textures experience with three strand twists. 

- Miss Lissa xx

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

M.A.C. Cleanse Off Oil /Tranquil Review

Travel size version

Hey Ya'll!

I have been searching for a good makeup remover for some time. I used to use a foaming one I brought over with me from back home but I ran out and was at a loss as to what would be the best remover for my skin. I have sensitive, oily skin - I mean really oily - so I'm wary when it comes to products I use on my face. 

I had ventured into M.A.C. at Stratford one day and asked one of the artists about a makeup remover that was oil free and also good for sensitive skin. She showed me to this little gem - Cleanse Off Oil/ Tranquil. I wasn't sure how I'd like it so I decided to purchase the travel size version first so that I'd be able to try it out and if I liked it, I'd go back and get more when needed. 

Let me tell you, I have not looked back since I discovered this beaut. I was nervous at first as it has the word oil right in the name but ladies (and gentlemen too!), this cleanse off oil is like a magic potion in a bottle! I squirt 4- 5 pumps of the oil into my palms, rub them together and then massage it all over my face. Eyes, lips, cheek, you name it. It even removes waterproof makeup! I then continue on with my normal wash routine and presto, I am a clean-faced girl once again. 

Needless to say, this product is absolutely amazing and I urge anybody with oily, sensitive skin to give this a shot. The Cleanse Off Oil travel size retails at £8.00 and the regular size retails at £18.50.

-Miss Lissa xx

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Weekend Fun Time

Hey Ya'll!

First things first, I apologize sincerely for the lack of posts this week. I fell ill and just could not find the energy to even boot up the laptop, let alone write up any reviews. I finally started to feel better on Friday evening so I was able to partake in the wonderful weekend we had here. I do have some products reviews to and I will see about getting those up this week but until then, here's a little something from this weekend.

This weekend in Londontown was a gorgeous one. We were graced with blue skies and sunshine on Saturday AND Sunday. Oh, and it actually lasted all day long! Such gorgeous weather can only mean one thing...summer time is nearly here! I am absolutely stoked for the warmer weather to finally arrive.

To celebrate the warmer weather, I gave my hair a deep conditioning treatment and also had some makeup fun. It's the perfect weather right now where it isn't too hot and it isn't too cold so my face doesn't look like an oil factory at the end of the day. I washed and DC'ed my hair on Friday night. I then put it in bantu knots to keep my hair stretched while I let my hair air dry over night. The photos below show you just that (please excuse the tiredness in the before photos). 

For Saturday's makeup look, I used my MAC lipstick in Plumful, my gel liner I ordered from Coastal Scents before I moved over here and a light beige shadow from my MUA (MakeUp Academy) neutral palette.
Heading "oot & aboot" Hehe

For today's look - Sunday- I decided to do a simple winged liner with red lips. The red I used today was the lipstick I had ordered from E.L.F cosmetics about 6 months ago. For the liner today, I used my Illamasqua Eye Liner Cake with the sealing gel for extra hold. I think it looks fabulous and the liner definitely stayed on ALL day today. I only just came in to wash it off. 

I tried to get a picture of the twist out I wore today but having to do selfies isn't as easy at it seems when you're trying to take photos of your hair. I tried my best though and I'll hopefully be getting my tripod soon which means I'll be able to take proper photos without trying to contortion my hand to get the *perfect* photo.

Well folks, I will sign off here as I have a tendency to babble incessantly and it is getting quite late. I need as much beauty sleep rest as I can possibly get in order to be in top form for work in the morning. Until next time lovelies!

- Miss Lissa xx

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Wash Day & My Routine [[w/Photos]]

Hey Y'all!

Today's post is going to be about my regimen for wash days. I wash my hair once every two weeks as that is what seems to work best for my hair during the colder months. During the summer months, I wash my hair every week because I feel that it gets all manky from sweating, etc. We all know that there is nothing worse than rank smelling hair! 

My regimen for wash day during the colder months looks like this:

1) Pre-poo with coconut oil (overnight); light finger detangle & put hair into 6 twists.
2) Further finger detangling of each individual twist before shampooing.
3) Shampoo time!
4) Squeeze out excess water then add deep conditioner** in sections.
5) Wrap hair in plastic cap or plastic bag (whichever I have handy).
6) Add heat from my steamer cap for 10 minutes then wrap towel around hair for another 30 minutes.
7) Rinse out DC with a bit of conditioner
8) Squeeze out excess water, dry hair, proceed to add leave-in, moisturize & seal.
9) Style.

There you have it. My winter regimen in 9 steps. It seems like quite a bit to do, and it is but it's worth it as my hair loves to be pampered. I can't deny her (yes, it's a her) anything, especially her bi-weekly pampering sessions. During the warmer months, I switch to washing my hair weekly as I tend to be much more active during that time. My routine for the weekly wash is essentially the same thing with a co-wash added in during the week.

Here are photos that I managed to take during wash day this past weekend...
Products used.
Squeaky clean!

DC added to freshly washed hair & put up to add the oil.

DC washed out and length check.

Medium twists w/braided roots as hair air dries.
There you have it! My winter wash regimen, the products I use and my protective style done after the whole process. If you have any questions or want to share your regimen, please do not hesitate to contact me. I'd love to hear from my readers and I'm open to featuring other people on my blog as well.

Don't be shy! :-)

-Miss Lissa xx

** Deep conditioner alternates between mositure and protein. I mix a moisturizing deep conditioner using the HEHH and EVOO. Protein deep conditioner is made up of Aubrey Organics GPB Glycogen Protein Conditioner mixed with EVOO. I always use an oil (either EVOO or Coconut Oil) to add a bit of shine to my hair not to mention a hot oil treatment never hurt.**

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Saturday, 13 April 2013

Hair Quest: 3-Strand Twist Results

Hey Ya'll!

So, my first attempt at 3-strand twists did not go so well. I think I may have just done them a bit too big since I used the same size twists I would normally do when two-strand twisting. I also braided the roots as I prefer to braid the roots of my twists to help it stay in for the couple days I usually keep twists in before rocking a twist-out. I will continue to play around with the 3-strand twists though as I liked the curl pattern but not the overall look. 

I will continue to practice varied ways of twisting when it comes to sizes to see what I like best. After all, you know what they say, practice makes perfect and I plan to practice, practice, PRACTICE!

I will post the results after all the trials I will do to keep you updated on the finished look.Until then though, here are the photos of my first ever attempt at a twist out using 3-strand twists.

- Miss Lissa xx 

Oh my! You've caught me red-handed banding!

Bands removed before untwisting.

Just unraveled before fluffing out twists & roots.

Ta-da! Finished product.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Illamasqua Easter Hunt Purchases!

Hey Ya'll!

So, as you can tell from the title of this post, I'll be reviewing the newest items added to my makeup collection from Illamasqua. I received an email letting me know about their Easter Hunt they had going on where every day for four days, there would be a different item on sale in various colours. How could I possibly pass that up??

As you can see above, I ordered a nail varnish, eye shadow and lipstick during the promotion. Lord know that I wanted to buy every single item they had on sale but I had to control myself. I really do love Illamasqua products. Their whole line of makeup is truly, as their tag line states, "makeup for your alter ego". The various looks that one can create using their products is endless. 

Back to the topic at hand though, my purchases. This time around I opted for the nail varnish in Throb, eye shadow in Wolf and the lipstick in Sangers. 

I needed a new neutral brown shade and figured I'd give Illamasqua's eye shadow in Wolf a shot. Let me tell you, I was not disappointed at all. 

Wolf is a gorgeous shade of brown that you can build to get a darker more rich brown shade or apply lightly if you want a mere hint of brown. The swatch on my arm was done with two passes of my brush which is the way I usually wear it. It goes on smoothly and is pigmented very well. I have no regrets with this purchase at all and look forward to building my eye shadow collection. The eye shadows will run you £15.50.

The next item on the list is the lipstick in Sangers. Sangers Will run you £16.00 but are worth every penny.

Sangers is advertised as Blood Red on Illamasqua's site and since I've been searching for a bold red such as this, I decided to place my order. It is a really vibrant shade of red and goes on really creamy. I usually have an issue with lipsticks drying out my lips and fading part-way through the day but with Sangers, I didn't have to worry. I had put it on in the morning before heading out and when I checked in the afternoon, my lipstick still looked flawless and my lips still felt moisturized. Sangers has a matte finish to it which added a bit of sophistication to the whole look. This is now my go-to red shade. 

Last, but certainly not least on the list is the nail varnish in Throb. The nail varnish will run you £13.50.

 I've been searching for the perfect red shade for my nails. I love colours on my nails, especially red but I had yet to find the perfect red for my skin tone. They are usually too blue or too orange in undertone. Illamasqua however, hit the nail on the head with Throb - a blood red, matte nail varnish that is superb. The lighting may not show it well but it is a rich red that takes just one coat to become opaque. The box said to use two coats but I found with just the one coat (pictured above) I achieved my desired look. I am on day 3 of wearing the nail polish and so far I've experienced minor tip wear but that is completely due to my workplace. The nail varnish goes on easily and dries within a few minutes which is key for me as I'm constantly on the go. 

Overall, I am once again in love with my purchases from Illamasqua. My love affair with their brand will be continuing into the foreseeable future. 

- Miss Lissa xx

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Hair Quest: 3-Strand Twists

Hey Y'all!

As I've been ill, I haven't had the chance to do much with my hair. All my days consisted of was working and then crawling into bed absolutely knackered. Now that I'm feeling a bit better, I want to try some new styles on my hair.

First up, 3-strand twists. I've always seen them but never tried them on my hair. I've rocked twist-out's done with normal two-strand twists. The three-strand twists are said to produce an even more defined twist-out and since London has decided to grace us with a bit of spring weather, I can wear my hair out once again! Even if it will only be for a day in the week.

I will be washing my hair and then putting the twists in overnight (I may keep them in for a couple days to enhance the twist out effect even more). I will post photos of the before, with my hair out in all it's curly 'fro glory; when it's twisted and finally, the twist out I achieved with the three-strand twists.

Until then, I'd love to hear from you guys on the topic. Have any of you tried three-strand twists? What was your experience with them? What product(s) was used to achieve the twist out? Would you do them again or do you now stick solely to three-strand over two-strand twists? You can comment below with your answers or email me (email address located at the right hand side of my blog).

-Miss Lissa xx

Saturday, 6 April 2013

OOTD - Spring Time Bright

Hey Y'all!

Sorry, I've been M.I.A. I've been under the weather and just pulling through finally. Today's post will be a short one as I finish pumping out a couple reviews that I have in the works. I decided to do an Outfit Of The Day (OOTD) post as I rediscovered this absolutely gorgeous coral blazer that I had bought last summer and only wore once.

Blazer - New Look
Top - Yours Clothing
Leggings - Addition Elle
Shoes - Primark

The belt is from a pair of pants - or trousers for my UK readers- that I had purchased from New Look when I first came over last year. I now use the belt on plain tops that I want to add a little shape to. You can't really see the colour of the blazer clearly in the photo but trust me when I say that it is an absolute beaut!

Hope you all have had a great week!

- Miss Lissa x

Monday, 1 April 2013

Natural Hair & You

Hey Hey!

I hope you are all enjoying your Easter long weekend if you celebrate Easter - wherever you are.

As you are probably able to tell by the title, today's post will be about hair. Natural hair to be more specific.

Hair Type Chart - via google

I've been natural for nearly 4 years now and I must say, it's been a struggle. It still is a struggle at times but having natural hair is a learning curve. Just like anything else, learning to manage your hair in it's natural state takes time and practice. That is the one thing that must be remembered if you are natural or are contemplating going natural. It'll be quite a journey and there will be plenty of up's, along with plenty of down's during your natural hair journey. It's all about trial and error to discover what works best for you and your hair.

I started my natural hair journey completely on impulse. I had gone to the salon to get my perm touched up but as I was sitting in the chair, watching my hairdresser get everything ready, all I could think about was the after effects: the scabbing, the tender scalp, the burning, etc. Don't even get me started on having to do the scalp pat because you couldn't actually scratch any itch on your scalp before your perm and your head was too tender afterward to even dare such a thing. C'mon, anybody who has ever gotten a perm know exactly
what I'm talking about right now.

It is a lot to take in when perming ones hair and I just wasn't willing to continue paying over $100 every 6-8 weeks to torture myself any longer. As my hairdresser was getting ready to put the perm in my hair, I yelled, "STOP!". She was shocked to say the least and then even more shocked once I told her I wanted to cut it all off. She was hesitant and tried to talk me out of it but I had made up my mind in that moment and wanted to get away from creamy crack. She then got the scissors and cut my hair off, starting from the front of my head. There was no going back after that and so, my natural hair journey had begun.

Big Chop -  Oct. 2009
I was a massive product junkie in the beginning of my journey. Trying a ton of different products in search of the right one. It's been a long road that's had it's up's and down's but as I've learned more about my hair it's become easier with each passing day. Also, I went crazy with researching for other naturalista's on facebook and blogs. Soaking up any- and everything that I could find online. There are still some that I follow to this day, for example: Naptural85, and BeautifulBrwnBabyDol are two vloggers that I absolutely adore! They have helped me so much during my journey and I'm sure they can help others as well.

When it comes to natural hair, the main thing that all natural's can agree upon is moisture, moisture, moisture. Water is your friend. No matter your hair texture, kinky, coily, curly, etc., moisture plays a key factor in the overall health of your hair. Moisturizing daily is always a great idea and ensuring that you actually seal in the moisture to your strands. Nothing worse than moisturizing but then forgetting to seal all that goodness in.

I will do a separate post about the products that I currently use,  my regimen and photos of my hair as it is now, in the near future. For now, I will end this post by saying that I am always open to being contacted if there are any questions you may have in regards to natural hair and/or products. If you are newly natural, congratulations on such an amazing step. If you are thinking about going natural. I say if your lifestyle will allow you to do it then do it.

-Miss Lissa xx

Friday, 29 March 2013

Feeling Blue

Hey ya'll!

First of all, I hope everybody's Good Friday has been going splendidly!

Today, was a lazy day for me but I had errands to run around town. I have been wanting to try something new so I decided to take a page out of my girl Mila Victoria's book and dare to wear COLOURED  brows.

I was completely stoked to rock it out today and decided to use my MAC Navy Stain eye pencil. I will work my way to the coloured brows big leagues soon enough.

So, how did my day go with coloured brows, you may ask? Well, allow me to tell you that it is not for the faint of heart or for those who want to blend into the crowds. I got looks. Plenty of looks. I did have a few women stop me and say that they loved my eyebrows though!

I'm usually not one to be comfortable standing out so much but in the honour of reinvention and becoming a better, brighter, more colourful me, this was the perfect step.

All-in-all, I absolutely adored rocking the coloured brows look and will for sure be venturing to rock them again soon. I keep eyeing my other creamy eye pencils and am itching to try them out. The possibilities are endless.

- Miss Lissa

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Accenting Your Natural Eye Colour

Hello, Hello!

Just a quick post tonight. I was shown this photo by a friend and wanted to share it with you.

- Miss Lissa xx

[I do not own this photo.]

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Illasmasqua Eye Brow Cake Review

This is my first beauty product review and I couldn't be more excited about this product!

Today's review is on Illamasqua's Eye Brow Cake in Gaze.

The eye brow cakes will run you £14.50 ($23 CAD) each.

Now, before you start in on me with all the "GIRL! You are crazy!" or  "You paid what now for that little thing!?" Listen carefully. This is one of the best products I've tried when it comes to filling my eyebrows. Ever. Illamasqua was on point when they created this little baby.

The eye brow cakes can be used wet or dry depending on the look you're after.

When used dry, they give you more of a natural look. Used wet, they give a more dramatic finish to your overall look. Now, I've used it both dry and wet, to which I must say, I love it both ways. However, my favourite way to wear Illamasqua's eye brow cake is paired with their sealing gel (I will be reviewing the sealing gel at a later date). Let me tell you, once that sealing gel is added to the eye brow cake and you fill your eyebrows, you better believe that your eyebrows are there to stay!

To test out the power of the sealing gel, I went dancing. Anybody who knows me, knows that I love to dance and twerk like it's going out of style.  I must say, I was very pleased with the fact that my eyebrows I had filled earlier that day using the sealing gel and eye brow cake, were still perfectly intact! Amazing!

Overall, this product has now become a staple in my make up bag and I urge anybody who is looking for an incredible filler for your eyebrows to definitely give Illamasqua a try. You will not be disappointed.

- Miss Lissa x