Wednesday, 27 August 2014

How Time Flies!


It's been quite a while. Four months to be exact. Yes, I know, I've said that I was going to write more often but things got quite hectic on my end. I had a lot of personal stuff going on in my life and am still working through some of it but miss writing so am going to try to get back into the swing of it all. I have quite a bit to fill you all in on in regards to hair care, travel and life in general but it will take some time so please be patient with me.

I mentioned previously that I had a lot of personal things going on over the last four months. Some of what I've had to deal with is:

--> My engagement coming to an abrupt end
--> Moving back to Canada from the UK after two years away
--> Double culture shock with coming back home AND to a brand new province/city
--> A very personal family problem 
--> Starting and settling into a brand new job

That is some of what is going on with me lately so you can imagine my life is a bit hectic at the moment. I will aim to be much better though as I miss the freedom of writing. I also miss playing around with makeup and new products for you guys as well! I will stop here for tonight though but keep your eyes open for new posts.

Until next time, 

Lissa xx

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