**PSA ANNOUNCEMENT: This post contains photos and discussion about LGBTQA Pride. If you have any issues/hang up's surrounding the LGBTQA community,please exit stage leftyou do not have to read this post. This is a free and positive space and I plan on keeping it that way. **
Hello, Hello, Hello!
I was lucky enough to experience the Pride parade held here in Calgary. I had missed the parade back home in Toronto since I was still in Alberta. However, Sunday's parade was amazing! I am so glad I was able to attend. Even the weather seemed to agree that it was supposed to be a great day since it had called for rain but decided to deliver bright blue skies with the perfect amount of breeze. Cannot complain at all about that kind of luck at all, can you?
I had forgotten how much fun Pride is with everybody there fighting for the same thing all while having a great time and dancing to music. Everybody is able to come as they are and enjoy the day free of judgement and filled with so much love. The atmosphere was great as well. The parade culminated at Millennium Park where LesGirl and YYC BadBoys provided sound and we were all treated to some absolutely brilliant Drag Queen AND King shows! Even my mom was getting down and dancing around when the Queens and Kings hit the stage.
I got to boogey down a bit as well with a best friend of mine. The dresses were bedazzled, the heels were high and the faces snatched to the heavens, hunty! I love every single second of my time at Pride and you could feel the love within the LGBTQA community and that in itself, was simply phenomenal. It's a community that helps one another and sticks together through thick and thin. Fighting for something that should already be a right and not be withheld because of who you love and want to be with. It's sad that this is still such a hot button issue because at the end of the day, we're all human. That is all that should matter. Black, white, gay, straight, fat or slim. We're human and should all be treated as such.
I also came back with a load of sweets and freebies that I managed to received during the parade. I'm sure my dentist is going to love me this month...
Well, that is enough of me babbling for one night. If you want to know more about Pride, get out there ladies and gents and attend some events! You will definitely not be disappointed.
Until next time,
- Lissa xx
:: Now, some photos for your viewing pleasure ::
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