Sunday, 14 June 2015

Where. Have. I. BEEN?!?!

Hello, stranger!

So, I have clearly been missing in action for many, MANY months. First of all, I apologise. I haven't been in the blogging state-of-mind for the past few months. I've been dealing with happenings on my end and just generally trying to get out of a bad place that I've been in for a bit.

I had all these posts planned and even started some but just never could bring myself to finish them. I know, I know. I'm an absolute rubbish blogger. I've fallen so far off the wagon but I would like to get back on and start doing regular posts about twice a week or so I'm thinking. Start off small and build my way back up.

I'm still back in Canada and still trying to feel settled where I am. It's been a journey and it's proving to be a lot more work than I thought. It may have something to do with the fact that I still miss Londontown a whole lot. I left a piece of myself there and have been trying to ignore that fact until now. I'm also having to deal with some personal demons and as everyone is aware, that is a very difficult task to do. So, along with working full-time, being back in school, feeling lost and mighty confused, I am also struggling with personal issues. One of them being my weight and getting it under control once again. 

It's been way too long since I've felt truly happy, both inside and out and I am working to get that feeling back. Please bare with me as I go through some changes in the coming months and work at getting better at blogging. 

I shall be back soon with posts about make-up, hair, travel, and lifestyle changes going on in my life. Leave a comment below and let me know if there is anything that you'd like me to discuss on the blog.

Until next time Loungers,

Lissa xx

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