Friday, 12 December 2014

Colour Pop Lippie Madness! [Review + Photos]

Hello There!

It's been a few months. A very busy few months for me on my end actually. Was caught up with work and trying to sort out all the paper work needed which is an absolute pain. However, that is not why I am here today. Today I am here to give you good people a review of some products I've recently gotten.

Monday, 1 September 2014

I'm Comin' Out

**PSA ANNOUNCEMENT: This post contains photos and discussion about LGBTQA Pride. If you have any issues/hang up's surrounding the LGBTQA community, please exit stage left you do not have to read this post. This is a free and positive space and I plan on keeping it that way. **

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

How Time Flies!


It's been quite a while. Four months to be exact. Yes, I know, I've said that I was going to write more often but things got quite hectic on my end. I had a lot of personal stuff going on in my life and am still working through some of it but miss writing so am going to try to get back into the swing of it all. I have quite a bit to fill you all in on in regards to hair care, travel and life in general but it will take some time so please be patient with me.

Monday, 21 April 2014

From London to Canada [Pt.1]

Hey Y'all!

How has everyone been enjoying their Easter holiday? Hopefully you are all getting plenty of rest along with loads of tasty food and plenty of family time.

My Easter holiday has been spent moving across the pond back to Canada. I had previously written about me moving to Canada however, I did not move back home to Toronto. Instead, I have moved across Canada to the west coast to Calgary. A brand new city that I have never been too and do not know anybody except my mom and sister. Starting over again with this new beginning. 

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Let's Scrub [101]

Hey y'all!

So, I decided to try out a new mix for a face scrub.  I have been breaking out a bit more than usual due to the stress of moving to a different country. Not to mention having to find a new job while out of the country you are moving to next. You can imagine how my stress levels have been all over the place lately.
I also have some acne scarring because I tend to scratch my face a lot whenever a pimple is healing.  Since I tend to scar easily, a scar is born.

The face scrub that I plan on using now is a homemade scrub that can be used on face AND body. The ingredients are all natural which I am hoping will be great for my skin. I made the mix using sugar, lemon, honey and extra virgin olive oil. Lemon has been shown to help fade acne scarring as well as help even out skin tone. The honey and olive oil is said to help with the moisturizing aspect.

I measured as I went on a trial and error basis, so once I work out the quantity of each of the ingredients, I will share the recipe with you guys as well. Oh, I forgot to mention that I mixed everything in a plastic container so that it would make storing it easier.

I have tried it on the back of my hand so far and do like the way my skin is feeling.  I cannot wait to try it for a bit and get some before and after photos for you to see if there is any difference in my skins appearance.  My fingers are crossed that this scrub is the answer for my complexion.

Until next time,  I bid you all adieu!

- Lissa xx
The ingredients
The final product.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Location, Location, Location

Hey y'all!

Guess who is moving once again??

If you guessed me then you are correct!  I am relocating and starting a new job as well in a couple weeks. Eeekk! So nervous but super excited as well.

Goodbye London ---> Hello Calgary.

Until next time, toodles loves!

- Lissa xx

Sunday, 2 March 2014

2014 in All Its Glory

Hey Y'all!

I have been completely MIA lately because I have been dealing with quite a lot on my end. I have been finishing up yet another course I decided to take here that needs to be completed by April 1st,2014; as well as trying to get in as much traveling as possible to satisfy my wanderlust for the time being because my time in the UK is coming to an end. 

I have been here for nearly two years and let me tell you, it has NOT been an easy road. There have been highs and lows but overall, I have loved every minute of it. Living abroad has helped me learn things about myself that I never knew before. It has also enabled me to further crossing off some things I have listed on my Bucket List. 

To say that 2014 has started of memorable for me would be an understatement. I went through a massive low-point at the beginning of the year but am focused on getting back to a good place once again and not letting what happened hold me back or keep me down. I am in the process of testing out products I bought during a Feel-Better-Shopping-Trip haul. I will be posting photos of the items in a haul post and writing the reviews soon after more use of the products. 

I will also be posting about my hair care routine and the changes I have made yet again for this crazy London weather. Also, I have been wearing my hair straight for the past couple weeks and will be posting about my experience straightening and photos of my hair straight as well. 

I also have to fill you all in on my travels throughout the UK that have been feeding my wanderlust greatly while having me add even MORE places to My Bucket List. Speaking of bucket lists, do any of you have a bucket list? Whether it be travel related or life related. Comment below with a few objectives on your bucket list. I am very curious to see what others want to accomplish within their lives. 

Anywho, this will be it for right now as it is wash day for me and my hair is calling me to clean her. I hope you have all been having a phenomenal start to 2014 and cannot wait to get back to writing normally!

Muchos besos!

- Lissa xx